Saturday, September 15, 2012

Another Great Day of Diving

Aloha mainland! Today you get me, Mike, as your author!

Jenna and I could not be more pleased with our diving experience in Kona! On our first dive, there was a ton of sea life but the highlight was Tim, our divemaster, vs. the octopus. He found its den and chased it out, it inked everywhere, it was really neat to watch. We were able to capture a great video of this that we will have to share. Also on the first dive there were two arches that we were able to swim through. Tim used the company's camera to snap a picture of us while we held hands through the first arch. Hopefully we are able to get a copy!

In between dives, just like every other day we ate well. The owners of the company Danny and Laure love to feed their guests. They made homemade guacamole and salsa, sandwiches, cookies, and all kinds of snacks. While we were cruising to the next dive site one of the other guests on board spotted a pod of dolphins. Our captain quickly turned the boat around and told us to get our fins on. We drove in front of the pod and all quickly jumped off the ship. We were able to watch the pod of about 20 dolphins swim right under us as they headed back out to sea. It was just as amazing as the first day. They are beautiful creatures.

Our second dive was actually a repeat site that we had done earlier in the week. Much like the first time it did not disappoint. We saw a spotted eagle ray cruising around the reef. We tried to chase him, but it wanted nothing to do with us. Just like the first time there were lots of eels hanging around on this dive site. I was able to spot an octopus cruising around the top of the reef. I called everyone over and Tim again tried to get it out of its den, but he was unsuccessful. The captain of the boat said we were lucky to see an octopus at this site because of the large population of eels, octopus don't last every long in this parts. Sadly our last dive in Kona came to an end. As we ascended back to the surface we took one last look around at the beauty around us. What an amazing 3 days of diving! We could not have asked for a better crew they truly made the experience that much better.

When we first arrived on the dive boat three days earlier Captain Danny asked Jenna and I what we wanted to see. As I do on every dive boat I told him a seahorse. I have never seen one and I hear they are very difficult to find. His response to us was that we wont find any on our dives they are just too rare, but he knew a secret spot where a couple had been living six months earlier. He did not know if they were still there, but he said it was our best change to find one. He gave us specific directions to his secret spot. He told us to dive down and check every little stick. He said be careful the seahorses look just like the stick so really make sure you look hard. We were skeptical, but after our last dive ended we had a free afternoon. We went back to the hotel and geared up. We drove the hour to the beach and followed his specific directions. After about 30 minutes of looking at all the little sticks we thought the seahorses had moved on. Then I looked at Jenna. She had just looked at one of the sticks. I asked her if she had anything. Her response was I don't know I'm going back down to check again. She did. This time when she came up, she said that it looks like a seahorse, but its not moving. We both dove down and sure enough wrapped around a stick was our first seahorse!

We spent about 20 minutes videotaping and photographing our new friend. Afterwards we swam back to shore packed up our stuff and concluded the end to our time on the water in Kona. On the drive back to the hotel the sun was starting to set and we were able to pull off on the side of the road and get some beautiful shots. The scenery in Hawaii is amazing!

Tomorrow we are off to see the volcano!

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